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  • Charlotte G


Let's buy a house down a leafy road,

Where the rain doesn't cease, and the days are cold,

I'll walk down Ashley, and settle in a coffee shop,

Find warmth in the gentle tones,

Let it seep into my bones,

Let all the voices stop.

Let's take a walk through a greyish hue,

Pull our woolly hats down, red nose, fingers blue,

Venture out with me, clasping gloved hands,

Smell the air, earthy green,

Far away from priss and preen,

This grey is not so bland.

Hear a chorus in my ears,

Rise to a lofty height,

Holding it's grip, holding it's gaze,

Holding me tight,

My heart slows and swells,

Breath filling every nook,

Knowing that I finally realise,

Exactly what it took.


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